In praise of the American tree sparrow

One of the pleasures of birding is when you suddenly realize that the bird you’re seeing isn’t what you thought it was but something surprising. American tree sparrows have that effect on me, and it happened again with my two most recent visits to the Mercer Meadows Pole Farm. The other day, I spotted aContinue reading “In praise of the American tree sparrow”

Are the birds hinting at spring?

As the dreary days of winter drag on, I’m ever on alert for early signs of spring. Maybe the imminent arrival of Groundhog Day is stoking my curiosity, but I know for sure that certain bird behavior hints that hope springs vernal! As I stepped out of the house yesterday morning, I heard a cardinalContinue reading “Are the birds hinting at spring?”

Birds large and small, I like photographing them all

I don’t know what the numbers are, but a high percentage of birders are photographers. And among birding photographers, a certain percentage focus exclusively or primarily on the largest birds, mostly raptors — eagles, hawks and the bigger owls. I’ve done field studies of a sort, in that I often talk photography with birders IContinue reading “Birds large and small, I like photographing them all”

Adventures of a three-legged birder

Medical challenges rudely interrupted my summer, but thanks to excellent care and support by doctors, nurses, therapists and my family and friends, I’ve been able to return to the parks and fields for the fall. One major difference: because of a balky knee, I now must walk with a cane, and I can’t tramp aroundContinue reading “Adventures of a three-legged birder”

A birder’s plea: Let’s stick with standard time

Today we observe the annual “fall back” ritual of reverting to standard time in the United States, and I welcome the change. My birding opportunities had dwindled over the last several weeks as sunrise came later and later, shrinking the time I had to get out in the fields and trees before heading off toContinue reading “A birder’s plea: Let’s stick with standard time”

The early bird gets the sightings

Up and about earlier than usual this morning, I headed over to the Mercer Meadows Pole Farm and was rewarded richly. I had barely walked out of the parking lot at Cold Soil and Keefe roads when two tree swallows beckoned me in to one of the best birding locations in Mercer County. Red-winged blackbirdsContinue reading “The early bird gets the sightings”