It’s not all birds at the Pole Farm

While birds are my primary photographic target on my outings, I also get to encounter other forms of wildlife, most often white-tailed deer. The fact is, I see deer almost every day, and sadly most of them lay mangled and dead on the side of many of the roads and freeways in my part of the world.

A buck grazes on the Reed-Bryan Farm side of Mercer Meadows.

While my wife is at war with the deer that munch the flowers in our yard, I’m happy to see them popping in and out of the trees and fields at the Mercer Meadows Pole Farm. Often, I’ll spot the flick of an ear across a meadow and initially think it’s a bird before wising up.

Of all my deer photos, my favorite is the one atop this post. I shot it near the Pole Farm observation deck on April 4. I must have spooked her, and I was quick enough to capture her bounding away.

Mercer County does a deer cull every fall into winter, and I always tell the deer I see on the trails to be alert for the hunters. When the cull is over, I congratulate those who made it through safely — and remind them to stay off the roads. 🦅

Seemingly oblivious to the birders strolling a few yards away, a doe feeds not far from the edge of a trail at the Pole Farm.

Published by Dan

University media executive by day, blogger by night, I am a well-traveled resident of New Jersey

2 thoughts on “It’s not all birds at the Pole Farm

  1. I love seeing deer when I’m out int he country. They’re generally rather shy, butt I remember going to work one morning and having to stop because there was a roe deer just standing there in the middle of the road. Bold as brass. Didn’t have a care int he world. You’re in your car, well, you’re just just going to have to wait for me to make up my mind and I’ll go into that field if I want to! Gotta love a French deer with attitude!


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